Coming soon to K12 Academics

The following content will be going live on K12 Academics. in 2011/2012.

Adult Education: Adult Education Schools and Programs in the United States.

DMVs- Directory of DMV Locations. Organized by State>City.

Internships: High School internship programs in the United States.

Job Database- National Job Database for teachers & schools.

K-12 School Directories- The following school directories will be included: Hospital Schools, Semester Schools, Year Round Schools.

Media Directory- TV Shows, AM & FM radio shows in the education system. TV Shows, AM & FM Radio shows dedicated to education, disorders and disabilities.

News Server- National Education News Server, Organized by State>City.

Product Resources- Books, DVDs, Videos, Tapes, CDs and newsletters for content related to K12 Academics.

PTA Organiztions- PTA Chapters organized by State>City

SAT Testing- Directory of SAT Dates/Locations organized by State>County>District>Date>Locations & Time.

School Fundraisers: Event schedule for School Fundraisers throughout the United States.

Student Exchange Programs: Oppurtinities for schools and students to study abroad and inquire about international students.

Students in Crisis- Directories for: Alternative Programs, Crisis Centers, Rape Centers, Suicide & Teen Hotlines

Teacher Workshops- Summer information on Teacher Workshops in the country. Organized by State>CIty.

Teen Conventions: Conventions for teens throughout the United States.

Teen Conferences: Local and National conferences.

Websites: Online database of websites throughout the Internet related to content on K12 Academics.