Texas State Requirements in Homeschooling

Texas, which is considered to be very friendly toward homeschooling (after losing a landmark case when it attempted to outlaw homeschooling), has very minimal requirements. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has no authority to regulate home schools (TEA considers home schools to be equivalent to "unaccredited private schools"; TEA states that private schools are not required to be accredited, and it has no authority to regulate those either). The requirements (based totally on state law, or more precisely the absence of state law), are based on a near-laissez faire attitude toward homeschooling, and are as follows:

State law only requires that a school (of any type) curriculum 1) must teach "reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and a study of good citizenship" (the latter is interpreted to mean a course in civics), and 2) must be taught in a bona fide manner (which means there must be a real intent to actually provide education). Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) FAQ The curriculum may be of any type of media (textbooks, workbooks, other printed material, and computer-based on any type including the Internet) and can be obtained from any source(s) desired, and does not have to be approved or even provided to the state or the local school district.

State law does not specify any minimum number of days in a year, or hours in a day, that must be met. Nor does it mandate a specific time of the day during which classes must be held; this has occasionally (according to the THSC) caused students to run afoul of local curfew laws.

State law does not require achievement tests for home school graduating seniors.

State law does not restrict home school families from combining into one group setting (though THSC cautions that whenever more than three children outside the family are involved, this could cause problems with local zoning ordinances and may also require a state license for child care).

State law does not require registration or annual filings.

State law does not require any teacher credentials, or proven capability.

State law requires notification only if the child was previously in a public school and is withdrawn; the notification required is merely a letter notifying the school district of the parent(s)' intent, and only one letter is required at the outset (annual letters are not required). Parents who home school from day one are not required to give any notice.