NAMI of Marion/Crawford Counties

Basic Information

Address: 142 S. Prospect St. Marion, OH 43302
Phone Number: 740 375-0796

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

President: Carol Becker
Service Description: Helping families of persons with brain disorders
Mission Statement:

The improvement of the quality of life, ensuring respect and dignity for individuals of all ages experiencing brain disorders, and to support their families and friends.

Membership Fee: $15 - Family $1 Open Door
Eligibility Requirements: None
Area Served: Marion and Crawford Counties in Ohio
Services Offered:
Support groups, education classes, individual counseling

Into the Light Walk - sponsored by Survivors of Suicide support group

Support Groups: Depression Support Group - Marion County - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 Family Support Group - 3rd Wednesday - 7:00 Survivors of Suicide - both counties

Local chapter begun around 1994; formed by Bernie and Ed Schell