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House of Hope Portland
Basic Information
Address: PO Box 3057
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone Number: 503-655-8960
Fax Number: 503-655-8960
Email: hohportland@mac.com
Director: Rita Cosenza
Additional Information
Causes Served: Christian education / family reconciliation
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Girls 13 - 18
Ages for Volunteer: Over 21
Hours of Service: 7 am to 8 pm
Minimum Hours Required: 2 - 4
Days of Service: Monday - Sunday
Mission Statement:
House of Hope Portland is a Christian non-denominational, ministry, founded in March of 2004, on the model established by House of Hope Orlando and in obedience to the word of God to be a light in the darkness.
We accept children into our program regardless of their race or religious background. House of Hope Portland has a governing Board of Directors who believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we are born again, receive the Holy Spirit and gain eternal life.
The mission goals at House of Hope are:
To rescue hurting young people from the destructive forces in our communities and families.
To offer young people hope and a future through love, Christian counseling, teaching and education based on God's word.
To assist in healing the hurts and scars from past experiences.
To help free young people from the bondage, which has held them captive, e.g., drugs, physical, mental, and emotional abuse.
To teach young people skills which will prepare them to become solid citizens and an effective part of society.
To provide a safe temporary home, where young people are nourished, clothed, and protected from the damaging influences of today's society until they can be reconciled with their family.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
There exists only one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired, inerrant and trustworthy Word of God, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of human beings, and the final authority for all matters about which it speaks.
Human nature derives from two historical personas, male and female, created in God’s image. They were created perfect, but they sinned, and were cast out of the garden of Eden into a sinful world in which we now live, bringing guilt, suffering and death to the human race.
The substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection provide the only ground for justification, forgiveness and salvation for all who believe. Only those who trust in Him alone are born of the Holy Spirit and are true members of the Church; only they will spend eternity with Christ.
The Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration and renewal for believers in Jesus Christ. He makes the presence of Jesus Christ real in believers, and comforts, guides, convicts and enables believers to live in ways that honor Christ.
Program History:
House of Hope Orlando was started 25 years ago and we are an affiliate of that program. House of Hope Portland was started in 2004. We started with non-residential counseling and in 2008 started our residential program.
We have and annual dinner and annual rummage sales.
Additional Information:
House of Hope Portland is dedicated to the healing and restoration of families in the greater Portland area. As an affiliate of National House of Hope, we share a 25-year history of helping families successfully deal with the needs of at-risk teens. The heart of our vision is the restoration of teens and their families through the power of Christ, allowing God to heal the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the family. We base our program on biblical principles and provide Christ centered counseling for teens and parents. House of Hope provides teens ages 13 to 17 a Christ centered refuge from the pressures of today’s culture. Christian counseling, education, and spiritual guidance, administered in a loving, home-style environment, are provided to the families. Efforts are made to heal the hurts of the teen, as well as their family, and where possible affect family reconciliation. The ultimate goal is to prepare troubled teenagers to become productive members of society.
House of Hope's residential program includes instruction in living skills. As a starting point, each resident is assigned specific household duties and chores. Responsibility is earned and tested through a 30-day orientation and three-phase program, which rewards performance and the positive attitude of residents during their 8-18 month stay. Troubled teenagers are usually unable to respond properly to authority figures and cannot relate constructively to peers. To deal with these problems, House of Hope provides a loving, stable family environment in which residents are expected to accept responsibility, submit to authority, and relate effectively to peers and adults. This is accomplished through intensive group, family, and individual counseling, and strong spiritual guidance designed to heal fractured family relationships. We provide a staff of professional and pastoral counselors.
Each student attends our on-campus Learning Center, which features the Accelerated Christian Educational (ACE) program. The ACE program offers a high school diploma with transferable credits. Upon arrival, each student is given a diagnostic test that determines an appropriate placement level in each course. An individualized educational program is then designed for students, allowing them to progress at their own pace. Most students, because of behavioral problems, poor attendance, and lack of motivation are behind in their regular grade level when they come to House of Hope. In our program, they can quickly make up courses and achieve their academic level.
It costs approximately $3,200 a month to feed, care for, and educate each child. Tuition is based on income and to date no parent has been able to pay more than a small portion of this cost. We rely solely on the generous contributions of businesses, churches, foundations, corporations, and individuals.
House of Hope Portland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. To make sure we retain the freedom to proclaim the gospel of Christ, House of Hope Portland does not receive any government funding. House of Hope admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
To find out how you can make a difference in the life of a teen, contact us at (503) 655-8960 or visit us on the web at www.houseofhope-portland.org
At House of Hope Portland, we are working to fulfill the last verse of the Old Testament. Malachi 4:6
“He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers...”