Creating a bar graph

Author: Lorraine Voytek
Lesson Plan:


Lesson Plan
Creating a Bar Graph
Lorraine Voytek
To represent collected data in a bar graph
NYS Common Core Math Standard: Students will be able to represent and interpret data through the use of graphs, specifically bar (and picto) graphs.
·         Colored pencils
·         Graphing paper
·         Computer access for each student (or pairs of students if needed)
·         Completed class survey to use as data
·         Students will have been introduced to reading and interpreting bar graphs one day prior; this includes vocabulary
·         Show examples of 2 bar graphs, split screen, on the smartboard; Turn & Talk – “Compare these bar graphs (horizontal and vertical).  Students should notice: title, lables, and scale; circle each one as it is mentioned; students should also notice that scale travels in the same direction as the bar; that there are spaces between each bar; numbers of the scale are written directly on the line.
·         DAY ONE: Students will make a bar graph using an online tool to scaffold their next step, making a graph on graph paper. Using the frequency table made from the class pet survey earlier in the unit, students will work in pairs in the computer lab; each student will log onto Kidzone
to create a computer generated bar graph. Each student will make their own graph, but the pairs can discuss titles, labels, scale.
·         DAY TWO: Using a scanned version of one of the bar graphs created yesterday, have the students again compare to notice important details in a bar graph; break into the same pairs as yesterday and each student will now create a graph by hand using graph paper and colored pencils; when students have completed their graphs they should review the bar graph checklist to be sure they incorporated all the important elements and make corrections as necessary. When students return to whole group, ask them to use their math journals to explain the purpose of a graph and how they might use one in if they wrote a non-fiction piece about school.   Share a few ideas to close the lesson.