
Author: Kerry Dockett
Lesson Plan:



CLASS/GRADE:                6th grade ELA

UNIT:                           Poetry

TEACHER:                      Mrs. Kerry Dockett


OBJECTIVE:    Students will be able to identify and write a Haiku.


·        This will be a poetry lesson taught using the Smartboard.  Students will be given the history of Haiku, look at examples of Haiku, and figure out the format of Haiku.  In addition, students will be required to write their own Haiku. 



·        Ask students a series of questions as to why it is important that students learn about different types of genre. 

·        Discuss the different genres that we have learned this year.  Compare it to knowing how to play Monopoly or Sorry. 

·        Tell the students that they will be continuing to write their own poetry. Today they will be learning specifically about Haiku.



·        Ask students if they have any prior knowledge of Haiku.

·        Divide the class into small groups and have students read some classic examples of Japanese Haiku aloud to one another. 

·        Have students find examples at the following websites:

·    www.columbia/edu/itc/eacp/asiasite/topics/index


·        Give students a brief outline of the history and development of Haiku. 



·        Display examples of Haiku on the Smartboard.  Ask them what they notice about the two poems.  Create/discuss a list with the students.

·        On the Smartboard show students the format of how to write a Haiku. 

·        Next, display examples of Haiku on the Smartboard.  Give students handout on how to write a Haiku. 

·        Explain to students that they will be writing their own Haiku’s.

·        Before the students brainstorm, read Brother Eagle, Sister Sky for motivation.

·        When done reading the story, ask students to brainstorm for one minute topics that they could write about. 

·        Display on the Smartboard pictures of the seasons to help motivate them.

·        Next have them circle which topic they are going to write about and for another minute they are to write as many phrases or words that come to mind while thinking of that topic.

·        After the minute is up explain to the students that they should now try to write a Haiku about that topic.



·        Ask students again what the rules of Haiku are.

·        Display on the Smartboard  a review of the rules of Haiku and the examples again.



·        From their brainstorming session, have students write their own Haiku.

·        While students are writing their poems I will circulate around the room to assist any student that may need help.



·        Have students share the poems with each other.

·        Once they have accomplished writing one poem they can continue to write more. 

·        When they are done they are to select one to illustrate.

