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Home | Lesson Plans | Identifying Parts of Sentences |
Identifying Parts of Sentences
Author: Helen Venosdel
Lesson Plan:
Lesson Design Identifying Parts of Sentences
Set: Write the following patterns on the board or overhead one line at a time.
Ask students to brainstorm about what the letters mean and identify a pattern.
Objective: To develop an understanding of the six major sentence patterns and how the predicate of the sentence controls the pattern
Purpose: To help students understand the predicate in the sentence, whether action or linking, determines whether the sentence will have a direct or indirect object, predicate nominative or predicate adjective.
· Review the fact that all sentences must contain a subject and predicate and make sense.
· Add the word Action above the first group, and Linking above the second group. Draw a line between the groups and label it The Great Verb Shift
The new chart:
Inform students that prepositional phrases or clauses may be added to any type of sentence without changing the pattern.
· Explain that no sentence will contain an indirect objective without a direct object, that no sentence will contain both a predicate nominative and a predicate adjective, that direct and indirect objects will only follow action verbs and predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives will only follow linking verbs.
· Have the students copy the chart filling in the correct words Ex. Subject + Predicate Subject + Predicate + Direct Object. Have them add the word phrases and clauses below the chart
Model: Put the following sentences on board or overhead and ask class to identify the subject, predicate (label action or linking in the blank) and finally to which pattern does the sentence follow..
1. ____ The custodian gave her the key to the closet.
2. _____ An insect bit me.
3._____ His eyes looked glazed.
4._____ The principal was Mr. Thompson.
5. _____Mother went to the store.
Check for Understanding: Next, put up the following sentences and have students do the same thing independently.
1.____Jon was very happy during the game.
2.____The teacher tasted the lunch from the cafeteria
3.____The referee gave the coach the ball before the game.
4.____Barack Obama is the President.
Guided Practice: Give the students the following sentences and walk around helping students who need assistance.
1. We smell the elephant house.
2. It smells stinky.
3. The young antelope grew taller.
4. The male antelope grew antlers.
5. Lloyd felt the antelope’s antlers.
6. They felt soft.
7. The tiger cub looks cute.
8. It looks for friend.
9. An Koala bear tastes a leaf.
- Does it taste delicious?
Independent Practice: Assign for homework
· Underline the subject once
· Underline the verb/verb phrase twice
· Identify the verb as either action or linking
· If it is action, label any direct object or indirect objects
· If it is linking, identify the PN or PA
1. Joe felt the gum underneath the desk with his fingers.
2. The lady smelled the cake in the oven.
3. After 8th period PE, the boy’s locker room smelled stinky.
4. The man gave his wife money to go shopping.
5. The car looked red and shiny in the sun.
6. Did the dog feel fury?
7. They were playing golf on the computer.
8. The game was fun during lunch.
9. They made their parents a gift for Christmas.
10. They boy became a man while in the army.