EL ChessAcademics, LLC

Basic Information

Phone Number: 262-672-1440
Fax Number: 262-637-1479

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Focus: Preparing youth to be global competitors by teaching chess.

G.E. healthcare

Director: Edward Larkin, Youth Chess Project Leader
Schools Served: All Title 1 schools under the Lighted Schoolhouse Program in the Racine Unified School District. Racine Park District Community Centers.
School District: Racine Unified School District
County: Racine, WI
Schedule: visit our website www.elchessacademics.com
Ages: teaching k-8 while developing High School, College Student Teachers
Capacity: 2-15 students per instructor
Membership/Pricing: Free to students. Contracted price to site.

Classroom environment


We have taught chess for over three years. While developing student teachers who have went on to college. We have also workwed with GE Volunteers as a mentor to provide students our chess resources.

Program Highlights:

Free King Day Chess Challenges on Martin Luther King Day at the Racine King Center, Free Academics Stimulus Chess Tournament at Racine Library,Free Janes Elementary Lighted Schoolhouse Chess Tournament

Support Services:

Provide chess resources for starting and developing chess programs. Math based chess curriculum, computer literacy for chess resources.


Group chess lessons, chess tournaments, chess workshops

Program Information:


Slogan: Bringing Chess To The Community; Investment In Education