Girl Scouts of Central Maryland

Girl Scouts of Central Maryland Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4806 Seton Drive , Baltimore , MD 21215
Phone Number: 410.358.9711

Action Shots

Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: To develop girls' leadership potential through activities that build courage, confidence and character
Director: Rita Monroy
Schools Served: 62+ schools are served throughout Baltimore City , Anne Arundel & Baltimore Counties
School District: We serve Anne Arundel, Baltimore , Carroll, Harford and Howard counties as well as Baltimore City
Schedule: flexible opportunities available-programs may range one hour per week for 6-8 weeks
Ages: 5-17
Capacity: 20+ girls per session
Membership/Pricing: $10 per year, financial assistance is available

Schools, after school sites, and community centers


Girl Scouts of Central Maryland provides informal educational programs that reinforce curricular lessons to girls as they discover the possibilities, lead their way into the future and connect with the community at large.

Program Highlights:

Sample program opportunities include Reading Rocks, Uniquely ME!, Project Anti-Violence Education (P.A.V.E.) and Science & Technology options



Program Information:

Uniquely ME! is a self-esteem program that educates girls about the relationship between how they feel about themselves and how they relate to others; Reading Rocks is a literacy program for young girls and new readers that instills a positive attitude toward reading; Project Anti-Violence Education (P.A.V.E.) is a peer-led program designed to encourage youth to make positive healthy life choices and avoid risky behaviors often influenced by peers, including gangs, bullying, smoking, and substance abuse and addiction. The program also provides tutorials on Internet safety. Contact Girl Scouts of Central Maryland for our Menu of Options today!

Slogan: Get Connected with Girl Scouts