Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania

Basic Information

Address: 350 Hale Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17104
Phone Number: 1-800-692-7816
Fax Number: 717-234-5097

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Focus: Building girls of Courage, Confidence and Character who make the world a better place.
Director: Membership Associate, Donna Werling
Schools Served: Donna serves schools in Franklin, Fulton and lower Cumberland County. Our Council covers 30 counties, Susqueahanna, Wayne, Pike, Monroe, Wyoming, Luzerne, Carbon, Schuylkill, Columbia, Sullivan, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Union, Clinton, Centre, Mifflin, Janiata, Huntingdon, Perry, Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, York, Adams, Cumberland, Franklin and Fulton
School District: All Districts in these counties
Ages: Kindergarten through 12th grade
Membership/Pricing: $12.00 National Registration Fee

Girl Scouts will be 100 years old in March of 2012.

Program Information:

Girl Scouts builds girls of Courage, Confidence, and Character who make the world a better place. 

Everything girls do in Girl Scouting shows girls how to discover who they are and what they stand for, connect with vibrant and diverse peers in their own neighborhoods and around the globe, and together they take action to make a difference in the world, inspiring and advocating for others along the way. 

Girl Scout Slogan:  Do a good turn daily

Girl Scout Motto:  Be prepared

Slogan: Do a good turn daily