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Great After-School Place
Basic Information
Address: Main Office - 1330 Main Ave S, Brookings, SD 57006
Email: gapost@brookings.net
Phone Number: 605.692.8066
Fax Number: 605.692.5500
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Focus: To learn socially acceptable behaviors and to understand that all actions have consequences.
Director: Jan Stange
Schools Served: During the school year: Hillcrest, Medary, and Camelot Schools
During the summer: Any child that lives in Brookings or has a parent that works in the Brookings community
School District: Brookings
County: Brookings
Schedule: 5:45am - school starts; after school til 6pm; full day schedule 6:30am - 6pm
Ages: kindergarten through 5th grade; AM program includes middle school
Capacity: 250
Membership/Pricing: $10 annual registration fees; monthly fees based on sliding scale using income guidelines of the school lunch program, scholarships available
Three programs take place in school multi-purpose rooms. One program takes place in a church. All locations have ground floor access and have outdoor playgrounds for the children's use. Gym space is also available at each location.
The Great After-School Place began in the fall of 1989, and has grown to meet the needs of the community it serves. Starting with an after school program, it added morning care, conference and in-service day care, and eventually full time summer care. The program provides healthy breakfasts and snacks to the children and participates in the federal Child and Adult Nutrition Services program. Daily activities include outside play, large and small motor activities, academic support, hands on learning activities, and other child directed activities. G.A.P. focuses on the appropriate development of social skills, problem solving, and communication, which will foster the long term goal of success in the work place and community.
Program Highlights:
The Great After-School Place is state licensed. Three sites are school based, meeting the needs of the children at those locations. Another site is designed especially for the kindergarten child and meets in a local church. Enrollment is kept low, with a 1 to 7 staff to child ratio. This location is excellent for the child that enjoys the more one on one contact and smaller group size.
G.A.P. works with the local state college and incorporates many service learning students into it's program, and received the 2009 Community Partner Service Learning Award. G.A.P. also has a 4-H club on site and works with local extension speicalist with this program. Homework help is available on a daily basis. During the summer G.A.P. accompanies the children to swim lessons, participates in the local library programs, invites an artist in resident to share their arts, goes bowling and mini-golfing, and participate in other community events.
Support Services:
G.A.P. receives financil support through United Way and state child care reimbursement. G.A.P. works cooperatively with the local library, park and recreation program, college and extension. Transportation is provided for field trips and outings by the local bus service. Staff training is provided by the SD School Age Care Alliance, local Family Resource Network, and the college.
Age appropriate hands on learning activities, arts and crafts, large group physical activities, homework help, dramatic play, and academic skills incorproated into planned activities.
Field Trip Destinations: Swimming, bowling, mini-golfing, canoeing, water park, college theater, museums (art and science)
Program Information:
This mission of G.A.P. is to provide a safe, positive and child centered environment where children can explore hands-on educational activities and develop age appropriate social skills. The G.A.P. has been operational since 1989 and is licensed by the State of South Dakota Department of Social Services. The morning and summer programs are available for children K-14 years of age. The after school program is available for children K-5th grade.
Through recreational, educational and developmental activities, children are given the optimum opportunity to grow physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Activities are staff developed as well as child directed.
Children can participate with the G.A.P. program on a part time or full time basis, with fees reflecting their time in the program. Enrollment is on a first come-first served basis. School year participants have an advanced enrollment period for the summer program. The school year program is open from 5:45am until school personel come on site, and after school until 6:00pm. Summer start time is determined by parent need, and the day ends at 6:00pm. G.A.P. is not open on major holidays or severe weather days when school is cancelled for the entire day.
Fees are assessed monthly during the school year and weekly during the summer and are based on family income. A late fee is incurred if children are not picked up by 6pm.