U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate

U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1310 E. Garlington Rd. Greenville, SC 29615
Phone Number: 864-213-9903
Fax Number: 864-213-9937

Action Shots

U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate
U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate
U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate
U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: We are a goal orientated multi-cultural program that teaches how to become a better person physically and mentally. The children learn social and verbal skills, so they are learning how not to fight. Leadership, to try hard, do well in school, Liston to their teachers, don’t do drugs is all part of our program. To learn more call and set up a time to visit our school.
Director: Marshall Gagne
Schools Served: All schools within a 10 mile radius of our facility.
School District: Greenville, SC
Schedule: After School is when we pick them up until 6:15
Ages: 5 thru 12 but come in if they are younger or older.
Capacity: 50
Membership/Pricing: Call 864-213-9903 and visit www.ushapki.com

We have a beautiful air conditioned school and we also have field trip to the local parks, Science Centers, YMCA, Health Food Stores, and Theaters ECT.


Marshall Gagne has didicated over 40 years to teaching Martial Arts and Gymnistic.

Program Highlights:

Hapkido, Hankido & Hankumdo and Gymnastics: Please see www.ushapki.com for description of these Royal Martial Arts.

Support Services:

PTA and local school.


See www.ushapki.com

Field Trip Destinations: See www.ushapk.com
Program Information:
