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Jefferson County Library Cooperative
Basic Information
Established: 1978
Address: 2100 Park Place Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone Number: 205-226-3615
Director: Patricia Ryan
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Library Information:
JCLC is a Cooperative Service Provided by the Jefferson County Commission, and the Public Libraries of Adamsville, Bessemer , Birmingham , Fairfield , Fultondale, Gardendale, Graysville, Homewood , Hoover , Hueytown, Irondale, Leeds , Midfield, Mountain Brook , Pleasant Grove, Tarrant, Trussville, Vestavia Hills , and Warrior.
As members of a cooperative library system, each public library in Jefferson County , including the Birmingham Public Library, maintains its autonomy. Each has its own board, hires its own director, obtains and spends its own budget. As members of a cooperative system, however, the libraries work together to provide service to all citizens of Jefferson County and to agree upon policies which will make it easier for patrons to use libraries throughout the county.
The Jefferson County Library Cooperative coordinates and/or provides services for its members. JCLC contracts with the Birmingham Public Library for provision of certain countywide services such as automation, Books-by-mail, delivery van service, cataloging, etc.
The most visible service is the operation of the automated library system, which integrates modules for acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, and circulation. This creates an online public access catalog (OPAC). The current software vendor for this system is Innovative Interfaces. JCLC owns the central computer equipment and operates and maintains the network of resources such as Internet access and full text databases in accordance with policies established by the directors of the member libraries.
JCLC is also the fiduciary agent for state and county funds expended within Jefferson County . The Alabama Public Library Service sends all state aid for Jefferson County libraries to JCLC. Those funds are then distributed to libraries Within Jefferson County based on a formula established by the state legislature, based on population. JCLC has no discretionary authority over those funds beyond those established by law. The organization must account to the state for the expenditure and proper reporting of state aid. JCLC is the organization officially responsible for applying for, and qualifying for, all state aid distributed within Jefferson County .
Library History:
Jefferson County Library Cooperative (JCLC) is the name for the consortium of public libraries in Jefferson County . The administrative office of the organization is housed at Birmingham Public Central Library. There has been some type of countywide public library service since 1924; however, it was in 1978 that no-fee service for all citizens of Jefferson County was established. The organization was restructured as Birmingham Area Library Services in 1985 under the guidelines for systems issued by the Alabama Public Library Service. Renamed the Jefferson County Library Cooperative in 1997, the organization continues under its formal establishment as a not-for-profit educational organization. This enables JCLC to apply for grants, and to enter into joint purchasing agreements on behalf of its member public libraries. The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the organization as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational organization. JCLC revenue is derived from State Aid to Public Libraries, the Jefferson County Commission, and fees for cooperative services paid by member libraries.