Conservatory of Vocal/Instrumental Arts

Basic Information

Address: 3800 Mountain Blvd.
County: Alameda
District: Conservatory of Vocal/Instrumental Arts LEA
Phone Number: 510-531-0110
Fax Number: 510-531-9434
Principal: Dr. Valerie Abad

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: K - 8 Performing Arts Charter School
School ID: 0864
State School ID: 01612590114454
Grade Level: K-5, 6-8
Founded: 2007
School Setting:

COVA is set in the hills of Oakland on 11 acres of forested land.

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8am - 4pm
School Days in Calendar Year: 195
School Holidays: Labor day, Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day, ML King Day, President's Day, Spring Break, Memorial Day
School Colors: Red, White, Black
School Size: 240
Classroom Size: 900 sq ft.
Classroom Teachers: 10
Student/Teacher Ratio: K-3 - 24:1; 4 - 8 - 28:1
Support Services:

Gifted and Talented Program, Resource Program, Speech and Language

After School Programs: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
School Championships:

Local and State award in music.

School Clubs:

Concert Band, Orchestra, Voice, Strings, Rock Band, R & B Band, Beginning Winds, Science Lab, Dance, Guitar, Keyboard, Drama, Musical Theater, Art, Martial Arts, and more....

Lunch Availability: Revolution Foods (organic and hormone free)
Uniform Guidelines:

School uniforms.

Mission Statement:

The Conservatory of Vocal/Instrumental Arts mission is to provide an academic foundation encompassing high academic skills and values through music and performing arts, which enable students to pursue a wide variety of life/career paths. COVA's goal is to provide students with the opportunity to participate passionately in music and performance.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

COVA believes that through music and performing students gain skills and presentation that transfer into success through school and college and into any career or life undertaking.

Enrollment Characteristics: COVA accepts applications online at the web-site. School tours are available from Mid-October through March. Applications for the following school year are available Nov. 1 through Dec. 10.
School History:

COVA was initially conceived by Dr. Valerie Abad in 2003. After 4 years of development and the approval process, COVA opened its doors in September 2007.

Notes/School Information:

COVA offers many advanced learning opportunities for gifted students as well as a robust academic program.  Many students enter COVA at or below grade level and rise to gifted qualification.  Among the wide variety of performing arts programs COVA also participates in community offerings including the Pre-high school college program where students in middle-school enroll in college classes at the local community college, the Chabot Science Center Champions of Science Program, the Oakland East Bay Symphony's