Delano Elementary School

Delano Elementary School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 678 Tiger Dr. Delano MN 55328
County: Wright
District: Delano Public Schools #879
Phone Number: (763) 972-6200
Fax Number: (763) 972-6199
Principal: Darren Schuler

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

School Type: Public Elementary School
District ID: 0879
School ID: 010
State District ID: 0879
State School ID: 010
Grade Level: Pre-K
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:10-2:45
School Days in Calendar Year: 173
School Colors: Orange & Black
School Mascot: Tiger
School Size: 812
Classroom Size: 23.4 Avg. K-4
Classroom Teachers: 33
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1/15
Support Services:

Title One
Basic Skills
Reading Corps
Special Education - LD, EBD, DCD, Speech/Language
Social Worker

After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Students receive an abundance of experience with computers through the use of classroom computers and three computer laboratories. They learn how to use a variety of programs, including:
Microsoft Office
SMART Notebook
WeDo Legos

Students and Staff also have access to Kindles, Nooks, iPads, SMART Table, and Document Cameras.

Every classroom in the elementary school has a SMART Board and Sound Field System.
All teachers have a class website, keeping parents and students up-to-date on classroom happenings as well as other important information.

Lunch Availability: Yes
Uniform Guidelines:


Mission Statement:

The mission of Independent School District No. 879, working in partnership with its community, is to educate individuals to be lifelong learners, possessing the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth, and citizenship necessary to function and flourish in a rapidly changing society.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

As educators of Delano Elementary School, we believe that all children have a right to an inclusive education. We believe that all children can learn and will learn through a variety of experiences. We value the diversity of each child, recognizing his/her strengths. We also believe we are interdependent social beings who need to cooperate for the common good of our school, community, nation and global society.

We believe that in today’s rapidly changing world, children require basic skills integrated with learning experiences that empower each child to make choices and take responsibility for those choices.

We aspire to create a positive, warm and secure learning environment that nurtures self-esteem by respecting the individual dignity of each child and ensuring that each child experiences success. We will foster a learning environment where children will develop coping skills, perseverance when learning tasks, and discover that mistakes are an opportunity to learn.

Our most important goal is to nurture an enthusiasm for the process of lifelong, independent learning in each child.

Enrollment Characteristics: With a current enrollment of approximately 2250 students, Delano Public Schools covers a large geographic area and extends to the communities of Corcoran, Independence, Loretto, Maple Plain, Medina, Minnetrista, Montrose, Watertown, and parts of the Franklin, Rockford, and Woodland townships, and the city of Delano.
Programs and Services:

Physical Education
Music Education
Gifted & Talented Education
Media & Technology Education
Tiger Publishing Center
Destination Imagination
Continental Math

Notes/School Information:

 Delano Elementary School is a “Minnesota School of Excellence” located approximately 27 miles west of the Twin Cities.  It is a K-4 Elementary School, serving approximately 790 students with anticipated continual growth.  Our Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment scores consistently rank among the highest in the state, reflecting the outstanding academic achievement of the students and quality staff at Delano Elementary.

We believe at Delano Elementary that all children have a right to an inclusive education and that all children can learn through a variety of experiences.  Our staff values the diversity of each child, recognizing his or her strengths.  In today’s rapidly changing world, we believe that children require basic skills integrated with learning experiences that empower each one to make choices and take responsibility for those choices.

Teachers and other staff aspire to create a positive, warm, and secure learning environment that nurtures self-esteem by respecting the individual dignity of each child and ensuring that each child experiences success.  We foster a learning environment where children will develop coping skills, perseverance when learning tasks, and discover that mistakes are an opportunity to learn.

Our most important goal is to nurture an enthusiasm for the process of lifelong, independent learning in each child.