Lotus School

Lotus School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 29067 W Grass Lake Road Spring Grove, IL 60081
County: Lake
District: FOx Lake Grade School District 114
Phone Number: 847-973-4100
Fax Number: 847-973-4110
Principal: Janice M. Mason

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: Pre-K through 5th Grade Public School
District ID: 114
School ID: 2003
State District ID: 340491140020000
State School ID: 340491140022003
Grade Level: Pre-K, K-5
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 7:45 - 2:20 3rd-5th Grades PreK-2nd 8:30 - 3:05
School Days in Calendar Year: 177
School Holidays: See our calendar at www.flgs.lake.k12.il.us
School Colors: Red and White
School Mascot: All Star

Fox Lake and Spring Grove in Lake County Illinois

School Size: 554
Classroom Size: 20 - 26
Classroom Teachers: 24
Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.7 to 1
Support Services:

Special Education, Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work, Future Problem Solvers, Enrichment Program

After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

T3 access in each classroom and both computer labs.

School Clubs:

Accelerated Reader, Running, Technology, Fitness, Gymnastics, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball

Lunch Availability: Regular and Special Lunches are $2.50
Mission Statement:

In partnership with students, staff, family, and community, we are devoted to meeting the
educational and social needs of each of our children in a safe environment, enabling them to
become productive life-long learners in a changing world.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

# We believe that all children can learn and succeed.
# We believe that the decisions made in District 114 should always be in the best interest of the children we serve.
# We believe that by following a philosophy of continuous improvement and by utilizing best educational practices, we will be able to address the challenges we face.
# We believe that staff members, parents and administrators need to establish collaborative relationships and a service orientation based on open, honest and on-going communication in order to solve problems and meet the needs of each child.
# We believe that we are responsible to manage the District as efficiently and effectively as possible within the limits of available resources.

Enrollment Characteristics: .8% Asian/Pacific Islander .5% Black 12.2% Hispanic 6.8% Multiracial 1.2% Native American 78.4 White