Angels Unlimited Preschool

Basic Information

Grade Level: Pre-K
Address: 615 W 5th ST Red Wing MN 55066
Person of Contact: Marianne Edwards
Phone Number: 651 385 8133
Fax Number: 651 385 1714

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Student Size: 40
Student/Teacher Ratio: 10
Number of Teachers: 1
Hours/Week: 8:15 to 11: 15 AM; 12:30 to 3:30 PM/ Monday&Wednesday or Tuesday &Thursday
Funding: Private
Program Highlights:

We start our apple tree unit by eating the apples and then we sprout seeds and nurture until they are ready for Mother's Day gifts.

Mission Statement:

Angels Unlimited Preschool located in Red Wing, Minnesota offers children a variety of learning experiences that will enhance your child's physical, social, intellectual and skills development.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Encourage development of abilities in the areas of language, math skills, reading skills and scientific discovery.
Enhance social skills through group activities and sharing experiences.
Promote a positive self image that encourages children to ask questions and make positive choices.
Improve gross motor development through various physical activities.
Develop fine motor skills through arts and crafts and manipulative toys.

Program History:

Angels Unlimited Preschool in Red Wing MN provides a creative child-centered setting that seeks to motivate the abilities of three to five year old children in a learning environment. Focusing on the growth of a child's self-esteem, this preschool curriculum will stimulate your child's innate curiosity.