Healthy Kids in the Kitchen

Basic Information

Grade Level: K-5
Address: Valley Forge Middle School
Person of Contact: Sheri DeMaris
Phone Number: 610-240-1319
Fax Number: 610-240-1325

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Student Size: 25
Student/Teacher Ratio: 2/25
Number of Teachers: 2
Hours/Week: 2 1/2
Funding: Donations
Program Highlights:

we try and grow produce for our healthy cooking club

Mission Statement:

To educate and empower children to make good food choices.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

You are what you eat!

Program History:

5 years running the garden. Received the Golden Carrot Award from PCRM and McDonalds Go Active Award for educating public school children on good food choices.