Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara

Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1015 East Montecito Street Santa Barbara CA, 93103
Phone Number: 805-870-5437
Director: Lia Suzuki

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Underpriviliged and At-Risk Youth
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Underpriviliged and At-Risk Youth
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: Flexible
Minimum Hours Required: Flexible
Days of Service: Flexible
Mission Statement:

It is the goal and purpose of Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara to pass down the true message of Aikido and to nurture a better society by creating individuals of responsibility, compassion, judgement, and character.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our young people deserve your support. There's a saying in Japan - "Everyone is born good." We believe this at Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara. EVERY CHILD is born good and therefore deserves a peaceful, happy, and safe childhood.

Program History:

Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara is a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit public benefit corporation. AKSB is dedicated to encouraging the practice of the Japanese non-violent martial art of aikido and promoting aikido as a positive and effective vehicle for self improvement and spiritual growth, and as a harmonious way to resolve everyday stress and conflict. In addition to offering traditional Aikido classes to the general public at our dojo, we also develop and run various community projects. The community project we're currently working on is our sponsorship program for low-income and at-risk children. Qualifying youth will be given the opportunity to train aikido regularly, under the supervision of Lia Suzuki Sensei and Aikido Kenkyukai Santa Barbara qualified instructors. There are various ways in which you can help us make a difference in our community.

Additional Information:

For more details on volunteer and intern opportunities, click here.