American Rivers' National River Cleanup

American Rivers' National River Cleanup Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1101 14 Street, NW Suite 1400 Washington, DC 20005
Phone Number: 1-877-347-7550
Fax Number: 202-347-9240
Director: Rebecca Wodder

Action Shots

American Rivers' National River Cleanup

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Ages for Volunteer: 5-95
Mission Statement:

National River Cleanup Mission Statement: to raise public awareness of the magnitude of trash accumulating in our nation's waterways and to develop a constituency for clean waterways.

Program History:

American Rivers is the national organization leading the fight to protect and restore the nation’s rivers. For almost four decades, American Rivers has spearheaded national campaigns and on-the-ground work to help rivers and communities thrive. We preserve and promote rivers as valuable community assets that are vital to health, safety, and quality of life, particularly recreation. With headquarters in Washington, DC and offices across the country, American Rivers has more than 65,000 members and supporters nationwide.


National River Cleanup

Additional Information:
American Rivers’ invites you to participate in the National River CleanupTM  by hosting your own cleanup in your local stream or river. It’s easy! Everything you need to know, is in our National River CleanupTM  Handbook located on our website. Register your cleanup four weeks in advance and receive free trash bags, t-shirts, and Boulder Canyon snacks for your volunteers! If volunteering at a cleanup site is what you are looking for, visit our website and find a cleanup near you! For more information please contact Ginny Crake at or 202-347-7550.
How to Register your Cleanup:
1.      Visit American Rivers’ website:
2.      Click Take Action tab
3.      Left hand side click National River Cleanuptm
4.      Middle to bottom of page click Register 2010 Cleanup
5.      Fill out all the information and hit submit. (You will have a chance to explain all the details of your cleanup in question 11).