Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston Logo

Basic Information

Address: 577 Massachusetts Ave, 2nd Fl Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone Number: 617-576-3113
Fax Number: 617-576-3110

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Breast Cancer
Ages for Volunteer: All welcome! Some projects require 17+
Hours of Service: vary
Minimum Hours Required: none
Days of Service: vary
Mission Statement:

The goal of the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade is to benefit all women through research, clinical care, support services, education and early detection programs. There is a special emphasis on reaching the medically underserved, rural communities, minorities, the elderly and women with inadequate health insurance. Reversing historical disparities in Breast Cancer care is a priority of the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade.


The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston event is annual with this year's event taking place May 14-15, 2011. Pre-season events occur throughout Massachusetts and New England.