Back to Natives Restoration

Back to Natives Restoration Logo

Basic Information

Address: 8 Cherry South Irvine, CA 92612
Phone Number: 949-509-4787
Fax Number: 949-509-4787
Director: Reginald I Durant

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Environment, Environmental Education
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served:
Ages for Volunteer: All ages
Mission Statement:

To encourage and actively participate in the restoration and conservation of Orange County and California wildlands, through education and restoration programs featuring native plants and biodiversity as a centralizing theme.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

A little "ecological enlightenment" and a chance to "get your hands dirty" is the best way to improve relations between people and Nature


Habitat Restoration - the Heritage Museum of Orange County, Santa Ana *New Location!*
Join Back to Natives in assisting the Heritage Museum of Orange County in Santa Ana to restore their 4.5 acre Nature Center. We meet at the Center once a month to monitor the habitat, remove weeds, and plant native plants. Bring gloves, sunscreen, water, snacks, hat, and closed toed shoes. For more information or to RSVP: 949-509-4787 or volunteer(@)

01/17/2010 All times are
02/21/2010 9AM-Noon


Habitat Restoration - Mason Regional Park, Irvine
Come assist Back to Natives in restoring Coastal Sage Scrub to 3.5 acres of habitat in Mason Regional Park in Irvine! We meet at the park once a month to monitor the habitat, remove weeds, plant native plants, and seed with native plant seed. Bring gloves, sunscreen, water, snacks, hat, and closed toed shoes. For more information or to RSVP: 949-509-4787 or volunteer(@)
All times are 9AM-Noon
06/21/2009 - Seed Collection Hike
07/12/2009 - Seed Collection Hike
07/26/2009 - Seed Collection Hike
08/09/2009 - Seed Collection Hike
09/19/2009 - Coastal Cleanup Day
11/01/2009 12/06/2009


Habitat Restoration - Caspers Wilderness Park, San Juan Capistrano
Come assist Back to Natives in restoring Oak Savannah habitat in Caspers Wilderness Park in San Juan Capistrano. We meet at the park once a month to monitor the habitat, remove weeds, and seed with native plant seed. Everyone is invited � children below high school should be accompanied by a parent. Bring gloves, sunscreen, water, snacks, hat, and closed toed shoes. For more information or to RSVP: 949-509-4787 or volunteer(@)

10/03/2009 All times are
11/07/2009 9AM-Noon
01/02/2010 02/06/2010


Habitat Restoration - Jeronimo Creek Open Space, Mission Viejo
Come assist Back to Natives in restoring habitat in Jeronimo Creek Open Space in Mission Viejo. We meet at the location to monitor the habitat, and remove weeds to assist the native plantings and seeding to thrive. Everyone is invited � children high school and below should be accompanied by a parent. Bring gloves, sunscreen, water, snacks, hat, and closed toed shoes. For more information or to RSVP: 949-509-4787 or volunteer(@)

05/30/2009 All times are
09/27/2009 9AM-Noon
12/27/2009 01/24/2010
