Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1500 41st Ave suite 250 Capitola CA 95010
Phone Number: 831-464-8691
Fax Number: 831-464-8693
Director: Marie Cubillas

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Our Mission To assist children and youth to achieve their highest potential by providing quality mentoring relationships
Background Check: Yes
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Minimum Hours Required: 2-3 hours a week for a year
Mission Statement:

Our Mission
To assist children and youth to achieve their highest potential by providing quality mentoring relationships

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our Vision
Successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to brighter futures, stronger schools, and better communities for all.

Program History:

Since 1982, Big Brothers Big Sisters have been changing the way children grow up in Santa Cruz County. By exposing children to new opportunities, volunteer mentors show that options exist, no matter how difficult the child's situation or life experience is currently. Big Brothers Big Sisters' services have been proven effective.

Additional Information:


One-to-One Program All County

Be a friend to a child/youth in your neighborhood
One day a week, a few hours
(on a schedule that works best for you)

How to Help
- Volunteer for a few hours, one day a week, hanging out with a child/youth that just needs a friend. Play ball, garden, have a bonfire, barbeque, go to the beach, whatever will be fun for you both! You will help your Little Brother or Little Sister grow through some of the most impressionable years of their life.

- A desire to have fun, relax, and be a friend to a child/youth
- Minimum volunteer age: 18+
- 1 year commitment

How to Apply
- Fill out an online application
- Call the agency at 831-464-8691 to contact a staff member with any questions


After-School Enrichment Program Watsonville

Help Kids Excel in South County
Tuesdays: 3:30-5:30pm OR
Wednesdays: 3:30-5:30pm

How to Help
- Volunteer either on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons, for 6 months or more. Help students with their homework. Laugh and enjoy their company while doing fun and educational projects. Assist in guest speakers' time with the children. Have a great time making a big difference! (And, if you had difficulty in school or overcame language barriers, you can provide unique insight.)

- A desire to contribute your personality, skills and talents to the program!
- Minimum volunteer age: 16+
- 6 month+ commitment, to one of the locations

How to Apply
- Fill out an online application.
- Call the agency at 831-464-8691 to speak to a staff member with any questions