Citizen Schools North Carolina

Citizen Schools North Carolina Logo

Basic Information

Address: 5624 Executive Center Dr Suite 105 Charlotte NC, 28212
Phone Number: 704.332.3645
Fax Number: 704.531.1510
Director: Cassie McIntyre, Director of Civic Engagement

Action Shots

Citizen Schools North Carolina
Citizen Schools North Carolina

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Under-served middle school students in urban schools, Education, STEM
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: under-served middle school students
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 4:15-5:45
Minimum Hours Required: 1.5 hours per week
Days of Service: 1 day per week (Tuesday or Thursday)
Mission Statement:

Educating youth, Strengthening communities

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Close the opportunity and achievement gap by expanding the learning day and engaging students in real-world learning, ensuring that all children graduate high school ready to succeed in college and careers

Program History:

Since its founding in Boston in 1995, Citizen Schools has been re-imagining the learning day to bring more time, more talented adults, and more relevant learning experiences to middle-school students in low-income neighborhoods. We provide:

■Extended learning time for middle-school students in 18 cities coast to coast
■Hands-on learning taught by AmeriCorps educators and volunteer experts from all fields, from science to law to finance and community service
■Deep partnerships to help transform schools
■A fulfilling volunteer experience that allows ordinary people to make a real difference for children
By getting citizens off the sidelines and into schools each year, we’re closing the achievement gap and increasing access to the American Dream.