City of Mesquite Volunteer Program

City of Mesquite Volunteer Program Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1616 N Galloway Mesquite, TX 75149
Phone Number: 972-329-8331
Director: Jessa Thomas

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: community events, education, library, senior citizens, environmental, emergency needs, transportation, animal shelter, police, fire, historical, etc.
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Approx. 160,000
Ages for Volunteer: All Ages (depends on volunteer opportunity)
Hours of Service: short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities available
Days of Service: varies
Mission Statement:

The City of Mesquite’s Volunteer Services Program is dedicated to serving its residents by uniting volunteers. The Volunteer Services Program is built on the premise that both the volunteer and the City will mutually benefit from the partnership. Volunteers can enhance and augment the City’s ability to provide quality services to the community by participating in a variety of City programs and activities. In return, volunteers receive an opportunity to increase their skills and knowledge, while becoming better prepared to participate in government and to influence decisions affecting their community.


All opportunities are posted weekly at