East Side Neighborhood Services

East Side Neighborhood Services Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1700 Second Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone Number: 612 781 6011
Fax Number: 612 787 4001
Director: William Laden

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Multi Generational Programming, Multi Service
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Community
Ages for Volunteer: 14+
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: varies
Days of Service: varies
Mission Statement:

Helping Individuals, Strengthening Familes, Building Community

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Helping Individuals, Strengthening Familes, Building Community

Program History:

Established in 1915 as one of the first Settlement Houses in the Twin Cities, we continue to serve the diverse community with programs such as Family Violence Prevention, Alternative High School, Camp Bovey, Employment and Job services, Thrift Store, Two Foodshelves, Daycare, Youth Enrichment Programs, Youth Employment and Mentoring.


Annual Wine Tasting: mid May, Nordeast Big River Brew Fest: mid October, Mill City Golf Tournamnet: September, Senior Appreciation Valentine Lunch: February, Twin Cities Snow Shoe Shuffle Race/Walk: early February, Holiday Train Community Event: mid December

Additional Information:

We have diverse and numberous Volunteer opportunities throughout our programming and events.