Evercare Hospice and Palliative Care

Basic Information

Address: 21515 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 330 Sterling, VA 20166
Phone Number: 703.788.1770
Director: Jen Jackson

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Population Served: hospice patients
Ages for Volunteer: 14+
Hours of Service: 7 days a week operation. No earlier than 9am and no later than 7pm
Minimum Hours Required: 1 hour per week
Days of Service: flexible
Mission Statement:

Evercare Hospice & Palliative Care is part the UnitedHealth Group family of businesses. We provide hospice and palliative care services in 11 states.

We not only provide all of the basic hospice and palliative care services required by law; we offer many additional services that standard hospices do not. Here are the benefits and services our patients could receive:

Involvement of an Evercare Hospice or Palliative Care Physician
Unrestricted access to the kind of therapies patients need (including certain life-prolonging therapies, like radiation or chemotherapy)
Coordinated care with the patient’s physician
Assistance navigating the health care system and Medicare/Medicaid certification
24-hour-a-day on-call support
Pain management and control
Psychological and spiritual support
Family support and education
Evercare Hospice & Palliative Care is Medicare-certified, which means that our services are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, military health plans and most private insurance companies. Any health care plan member is eligible for Evercare Hospice & Palliative Care. You don’t have to be a member of a UnitedHealth Group or Evercare plan to qualify to receive our services.

Additional Information:

Strengthen your administrative skills by helping the clinical and administrative team with office tasks: filing, audit preparation, answering phones etc.