Family Pathfinders of Tarrant County

Basic Information

Phone Number: 817.731.1173

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Underemployed families in Tarrant County
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 2/month
Minimum Hours Required: 30
Mission Statement:

Strengthening the community by empowering families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency

Program History:

We have some exciting news to share with you! Family Pathfinders of Tarrant County Inc., a non-profit that serves people making the transition from poverty to self-sufficiency, is launching a new program that matches volunteer mentors with workers striving to build skills and advance in their careers.
Through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship with a mentor, a partnership is formed in which mentors and mentees travel together on the path to financial stability. You will make a huge difference in someone’s life by committing a small amount of your time.

Volunteer mentors from local businesses, churches and civic organizations will receive extensive training before they partner with mentees in their journey to become self sufficient. Modeled after best practices, this program is based on the belief “Give a man a fish and you feed him for today; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Additional Information:


The Career Development Mentoring Program is designed to connect employed adults seeking career development and advancement to accomplished mentors. As mentees are working to increase job training skills, mentors are asked to volunteer about two hours per month and provide the following: 

Mentor Role

·         Take the lead in supporting a mentee through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship

·         Serve as a positive role model and example of success in their chosen career

·         Build the relationship by planning and participating in activities together

·         Strive for mutual respect

·         Build self-esteem and motivation

·         Help set goals and work toward accomplishing them


Time Commitment

·         Commit to serve up to 1 year

·         Communicate with mentee weekly

·         Meet face to face with mentee once a month for an hour

·         Communicate regularly with program staff

·         Attend an initial training session


Participation Requirements

·         In good standing at current job and/or a solid work history

·         Be interested in working with adults seeking career  development

·         Be willing to adhere to all program policies and procedures

·         Be willing to complete the application and screening process

·         Be dependable and consistent in meeting the time commitments

·         Attend mentor training session as prescribed

·         Be willing to communicate regularly with program staff


Desirable Qualities

·         Willing listener

·         Encouraging and supportive

·         Patient and flexible

·         Tolerant and respectful of individual differences



·         Personal fulfillment through contribution to community and individual

·         Satisfaction in helping someone mature, progress, and achieve goals

·         Orientation session

·         Personal ongoing support, supervision to help the match succeed


Application and Screening Process

·         Written application

·         Background Screening

·       Attend five hour orientation session in eight content areas: program overview, life in poverty, mentoring strategies, resources, barriers to self-sufficiency, financial literacy, policies and procedures, getting started with your client and putting it all together. You will leave the training session with a new skill set and a mentoring guide for future reference.