Friends of Suzanne

Friends of Suzanne Logo

Basic Information

Address: P O Box 5233 Clinton, NJ 08809
Phone Number: 908-432-4157
Director: Kathy Koltowski

Action Shots

Friends of Suzanne
Friends of Suzanne
Friends of Suzanne
Friends of Suzanne

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: providing financial support to those living with a cancer diagnosis
Population Served: Hunterdon, Warren, Somerset County NJ - Lehigh Valley Pa
Ages for Volunteer: 13 and up
Hours of Service: varies by event
Mission Statement:

Compassion, love and caring for those living with cancer

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Cancer touches each of us daily. We strive to provide assistance to the patient and their family so that they can maintain the same quality of life they knew prior to their diagnosis.

Program History:

Founded in 2005 we hold an annual walk-a-thon and craft fair in late March/early April. We also participate in various cheeleading competitions in Nov, Dec and Jan selling wooden roses to raise money. In Dec we get a table in Phillipsburg mall as well, to sell roses. All funding rasied as a result of our wooden roses is use for Pay their Way, our copayment assistance program. We try to give Hunterdon Regional Cancer center at least $500 per month to pick up patients copays for chemo, radiation and doctors visits.
We presently have 5 patient families we are working with directly and we work with them on various fundraisers to support their medical expenses.


Walkathon, Tea parties, Sale of Wooden Rose Bouquets, Holiday craft fair, Harvest festival

Additional Information:

Our organization is always looking for volunteers, specifically children.  We have a junior volunteer program where we award a lovely crystal award and gift certificate yearly.  The program requires the child to volunteer at 2 events, for 2 years and he or she must be 13 to qualify for the award.  We have given out three awards since inception.