Goodwill GoodGuides Youth Mentoring Program

Goodwill GoodGuides Youth Mentoring Program Logo

Basic Information

Address: Goodwill SWPA 2600 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Phone Number: 412 390 2308
Fax Number: 412 481 0187
Director: Jackie Abel-Stavropoulos

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Youth between 12-17 will participate in career-focused youth mentoring building career plans and skills as they prepare for school completion. 1) Encouraging youth to complete high school 2) Planning for after HS, college, trade school or employent 3) Understanding that they are valued members of the community.
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Youth between 12 - 17 years
Ages for Volunteer: 18 plus
Hours of Service: 2 hours per week
Minimum Hours Required: 6 hours per month
Days of Service: 1 X week
Mission Statement:

To empower youth to make positive choices that enable them to maixmize their current and future potential.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Vision: A nation in which youth experience nuturing, positive relationships and community support that enables them to develop their full potential with capability of making informed, responsible decisions as involved members of their communities.

Program History:

Program is funded through a grant from the US Dept of Justice. It is a program offered to provide career-focused mentoring so youth can build career plans and skills as they prepare for school completion, post=secondary traiing and productive work. This will be accomplished through structured and supportive relationships with trusted adult mentors.


Youth and mentors will meet weekly to interact and discuss events in the life of the youth. Once a month they will foucs of career exploration, goal setting and career plans with the help of guest speakers, PA CareeLink workshops and hands-on experiences. Once a month they will particiapate in community through service projects, communiy events, sports events and other activites of interest to youth.

Additional Information:

While this is a new program for at risk, underserved youth.  It has the potential to reach over 100 youth in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.  Curriculum will include financiail literacy, career exploration, job shadowing, social skills and academic tutoring.  The goals and objectives of the progra include:

80% of youth will receive a minimum of 6 hours of service per month

80% of youth will not offend or reoffend (school attendance will improve, youth will reach at least one of their chosen goals)

50% of familes will receive other service offered through Goodwill  (utilities assistance, adult education, job search help, job training, etc.)

50% of youth will participate in at least one service activity (giving back to the community)