HandsOn Central Ohio

HandsOn Central Ohio Logo

Basic Information

Address: 195 N Grant Ave Columbus, OH 43215
Phone Number: (614) 221-6766
Fax Number: (614) 224-6866

Action Shots

HandsOn Central Ohio
HandsOn Central Ohio

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Hunger, Financial Literacy, Self-Sufficency, Community Engagement, Disaster Preparedness, Poverty, Volunteer Engagement, Mentoring
Ages for Volunteer: 16 and older
Hours of Service: flexible
Mission Statement:

HandsOn Central Ohio's mission is strengthening and enhancing the quality of life in the central Ohio community by mobilizing volunteers and connecting people to critical community resources.

Program History:

Since the early 1970s, HandsOn Central Ohio has evolved by joining forces with other agencies, expanding existing programming and developing new programs as the needs of the community changed. Today, HandsOn Central Ohio is a multi-faceted organization, with a diversity of programs connecting those in need to resources, and pairing available volunteers to the nonprofit sector. HandsOn Central Ohio has adapted to the community, reflecting the current challenges faced by individuals and families and the trends in volunteerism over time.


Service Above Self Fair, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Free Tax Assistance (VITA), Foodline Food Pantry Referrals (year-round)

Additional Information:

Whether through the 2-1-1 call center, where operators listen to callers, access a database and connect the caller to agencies which can help, or through one of many volunteer recruitment efforts in which volunteers' skills are matched to appropriate programs or nonprofits, HandsOn Central Ohio stands ready to help.

Get Help or Give Help.

At HandsOn Central Ohio, we'll help you get there.