I Am B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Inc.

Basic Information

Address: 4850 Golden Pkwy., Ste. B230, Buford GA 30518
Phone Number: 404-545-9051
Fax Number: 770-831-0813
Director: Tina Woodard & Zenobia Edwards

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Youth development, leadership and self-esteem building
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Elementary - high school
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: TBD
Minimum Hours Required: N/A
Days of Service: Meetings are held on either Monday, Thursday, or Friday
Mission Statement:

To change lives by empowering people to reach their highest potential by overcoming internal and external barriers to success.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Vision: Empowering girls and women around the world to live B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. lives.


Upcoming events: Pink and Black Ball - November 7th.; MLK Day Service Project - January 18th.; I Am Loved Brunch - Feb. 6th.; Walk It Out! Walk-a-thon - March 27th. (The calendar of events is subject to change. Please check www.iambeautiful.org for the latest information!)

Additional Information:


We are currently looking for volunteers to help with our H.O.P.E program (Helping Others Pursue Excellence – a one to one mentoring program offered as a part of the GIRLS program.


Overall Objectives:

Increase self-esteem and leadership capacity among females;

 Provide educational and motivational programs for girls to achieve excellence academically, socially, morally, physically, and emotionally;

 Provide guidance and constructive evaluation of efforts toward self-improvement;

 Increase knowledge of various academic, career and entrepreneurship opportunities;

 Afford practical training and a safe, supportive environment which fosters learning, sharing, and collaboration;

 Provide opportunities for youth to demonstrate citizenship by active and regular participation in community service.