Kathy's Place 4 Hope

Kathy's Place 4 Hope Logo

Basic Information

Address: 730 Sterling Ave, Suite 301, Tampa, FL 33609
Phone Number: (813)-541-2672
Director: Dr. jean Mulloy

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: A Center for Grieving Children
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Greater Tampa Bay Area
Ages for Volunteer: 14+
Hours of Service: n/a
Minimum Hours Required: n/a
Days of Service: n/a
Mission Statement:

Kathy's Place 4 Hope exists to facilitate the process whereby grieved children experience the transforming power of moving through the pain and hurt of profound loss to an enhanced sense of self and appreciation for life not possible but for the loss and healing experience.