Open Arms of Minnesota

Open Arms of Minnesota Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2500 Bloomington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone Number: 612.872.1152
Director: Kevin Winge

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Hunger, HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Meal Delivery
Background Check: No
Population Served: Meals and prepared and delivered to clients living with progressive and chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, Breast Cancer, ALS, and MS.
Ages for Volunteer: All ages for bag decorating and cereal drives, all ages with an adult to deliver meals, 18+ in the kitchen.
Hours of Service:
Mission Statement:

With open arms we nourish body, mind, and soul.

Program History:

Open Arms of Minnesota’s service began in 1986 when our founder, Bill Rowe (above), prepared dinner in the kitchen of his apartment and delivered it to a few men with AIDS who had become too ill to shop for groceries and cook for themselves. The isolation and stigmatization created by fear of this new disease, as well as the dramatic and unintentional weight loss it caused, made nutrition intervention critical in the lives of people with HIV/AIDS.

At Open Arms, we thought that if people with HIV/AIDS could just maintain their weight, we could extend both the quality and the length of their lives. Soon, a growing pool of dedicated volunteers began preparing and delivering free meals to our first clients. From the very start, we made a commitment to provide meals to anyone in a household affected by disease, including dependent children, caregivers, partners, and spouses.