REACH (Reading Enriches All Children)

REACH (Reading Enriches All Children) Logo

Basic Information

Address: 809 Brandon Ave Suite 208 Norfolk, VA 23517
Phone Number: 757-627-4722

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Population Served: at risk youth living in homeless and domestic violence shelters
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 6:30 or 7:00
Minimum Hours Required: One Hour/Once a Month
Days of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Additional Information:

REACH is a volunteer organization that supports the literacy needs of homeless and at-risk children living in shelters throughout the South Hampton Roads community.

We provide a Read-Aloud program and 12 local homeless and domestic violence shelters every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If interested in volunering pleasing visit our website or give us a call.  THANKS!