San Diego CityFest with Luis Palau

San Diego CityFest with Luis Palau Logo

Basic Information

Address: 11585 Sorrento Valley Rd Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92121
Phone Number: 858-523-1002

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Homelessness, hunger, schools, mentoring, military
Population Served: San Diego County
Ages for Volunteer: 14+up
Hours of Service: 8am-5pm
Minimum Hours Required: 1
Days of Service: Monday-Saturday
Program History:

Volunteers are mobilized to meet the physical needs in their community through strategic networks of local churches and business and civic leaders. The festival is a Christian festival celebrating the season's accomplishments.


Festival September 11th sign up to volunteer at positions range from clean up crew, recycling, security, ushers, greeters, etc.

Volunteer for service projects by going to our website

Additional Information:

San Diego CityFest with Luis Palau

September 11th, 2010 will be one of the greatest festival celebrations ever held in San Diego. It is to celebrate all of the Service projects that have occurred over the course of this year to benefit our city.  We are celebrating service provided to the city in the areas of homelessness, hunger, mentoring, schools and military! There is a family fun zone, livin it action sports, a main stage with artists and a message from Luis Palau!


We need individuals with a heart to serve to make this festival run smooth. We expect anywhere from 200,000-400,000 people to attend the festival over the two-day period! Don't miss out volunteering in this incredible festival!