Sunrise at Fox Hill

Basic Information

Address: 8300 Burdette Roa, Bethesda MD 20817
Phone Number: 301-968-1829
Fax Number: 301-469-8444
Director: Alyssa Caroselli

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Seniors in Assisted Living
Population Served: Seniors
Ages for Volunteer: 13 and up
Hours of Service: 9am to 5pm
Minimum Hours Required: 1 hour per week
Days of Service: 7 days a week
Mission Statement:

To Champion Quality of Life For All Seniors

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Principles of Service:

Preserving Dignity, Nuturing the Spirit, Celebrating Individuality, Enabling Freedom of Choice, Encouraging Independence, and Involving Famliy and Friends.

We believe in the sacred value of human life

Program History:

We have been open for a year as of January 2010. We have a very strong activity program and try to engage each and every resident. We are looking for people who love to serve and have an enthusiastic personality. Our volunteers provide compaionship to our residents and also use their own personal interests to engage with residents.