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Home | National Directories | Volunteer Program | In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue & Education Center |
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue & Education Center
Basic Information
Address: 3430 Skyview Dr.
Wylie TX 75098
Phone Number: 972-442-6888
Email: creaney@insyncexotics.com
Director: Vicky Keahey
Additional Information
Causes Served: Animals
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: Animals
Ages for Volunteer: 13-15 with parental supervision, 16+ without parental supervision
Hours of Service: day time hours (flexible)
Minimum Hours Required: 2 days per month
Days of Service: Mon-Sun available
Mission Statement:
In-Sync Exotics views rescuing exotic felines as a privilege and a rewarding labor of love. Our mission is to provide a caring, safe haven to some of God’s most beautiful creatures. We put their needs above all else; the old, the maimed, and the unwanted can find sanctuary here. We currently provide a permanent, loving home to over 40 exotic cats, including tigers, lions, cougar and leopards.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Born of Vicky Keahey’s love for exotic cats and her concern over Texas’s lack of laws governing exotic feline breeding practices, In-Sync Exotics was established to educate and heighten public awareness about the importance of the conservation of exotic animals and their natural habitats. The organization also participates in rescuing exotic cats from irresponsible breeders and neglectful owners.
Additional Information:
Because we are a non-profit sanctuary, we are run almost entirely by volunteer labor, and assistance is always welcome. There are many ways our volunteers help, including, but not limited to:
Ø Cleaning animal enclosures
Ø Cleaning bowls and buckets
Ø Preparing animal diets
Ø Working in our Visitor Center (Sat/Sun only)
Ø Helping with special events
Ø Fund raising / office work
Ø Building new enclosures
Ø Landscaping projects
Once they have gained some experience, volunteers can also learn to help with giving tours to visitors, feeding and training cats (our cats are trained to follow simple commands that assist us in their medical treatments), as well as help with our enrichment program.
Please be aware that for safety reasons, we have the following age restrictions:
Ages 13-15: May volunteer if a parent accompanies them the entire time they are at the sanctuary, have no access to cat areas (Junior Volunteers)
Ages 16-17: May volunteer without a parent, but a parent or legal guardian must sign their release form
Ages 18+: No restrictions