Tohono Chul Park

Basic Information

Address: 7366 N. Paseo Del Norte Tucson, Az 85704
Phone Number: 520-742-6455
Fax Number: 520-797-1213
Director: Acting Director Lisa Phillips

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: furthering knowledge of the Sonoran Desert
Population Served: all
Ages for Volunteer: 18 and up
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: 12 per month
Days of Service: varies
Mission Statement:

The mission of Tohono Chul Park is to enrich people's lives by providing them the opportunity to find peace and inspiration in a place of beauty, to experience the wonders of the Sonoran Desert, and to gain knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of this region.

Program History:

Tohono Chul Park's program has been in place since before 1985. It is constantly evolving and being improved.


Volunteer opportunities range from regularly scheduled weekly shifts to helping out with special events planned throughout the year.

Additional Information:
