Corazon a Corazon

Corazon a Corazon Logo

Basic Information

Address: 12731 S. Wood Street Blue Island, IL
Phone Number: 708-377-7761
Director: Sr. Miriam Patrick Cummings, SSND

Action Shots

Corazon a Corazon
Corazon a Corazon
Corazon a Corazon
Corazon a Corazon

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Adult Literacy, Summer and After School tutoring for children, Women and Children
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Non native English speakers and youth
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 3-5
Minimum Hours Required: 3
Days of Service: 1-2
Mission Statement:

Impelled by the mission of Jesus and enriched by the charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Corazón a Corazón is committed to providing educational assistance to Latinos, especially women and children. While focusing on Latinos, we exclude no one from our concern.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Corazón a Corazón is a non-profit organization and sponsored ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame that serves the Latino community.
We offer one-on-one ESL tutoring and an After-School program, both of which are volunteer based. Corazón believes that education is key to advancing and empowering our community and transforming the world, one person at a time.

Program History:

The School Sisters of Notre Dame have a long history as educators with an interest in immigrants. The SSND’s came to the United States in 1833 at the request of Bishops to serve the children of German immigrants and soon taught all who came to them looking for quality faith based education. Notre Dame Sisters served many parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Several of them, along with the Academy of Our Lady (Longwood) served students of every race for over one hundred years in the south part of the Archdiocese. In the late 90’s when AOL closed and the SSND’s no longer staffed those parish schools, the Sisters sought a way to maintain a presence and service in this part of the Chicagoland area and the Archdiocese of Chicago. Corazon a Corazon, “heart to heart” came to life in response to perceived needs in the area. Much joy, amid struggle, brought us to where we are today: a sponsored ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame providing one on one ESL to adults and After School and summer programs for elementary school students. With dedicated staff and volunteers we continue to share SSND values and vision as we move into a future full of hope.