Polls for Creation and Evolution in Public Education in the United States

In 2000, a poll commissioned by People for the American Way found that among Americans:
29% believe public schools should teach evolution in science class but can discuss creationism there as a belief;
20% believe public schools should teach evolution only;
17% believe public schools should teach evolution in science class and religious theories elsewhere;
16% believe public schools should teach creation only;
13% believe public schools should teach both evolution and creationism in science class;
4% believe public schools should teach both but are not sure how.

In 2006, a poll conducted by Zogby International commissioned by the Discovery Institute found that more than three to one of voters surveyed chose the option that biology teachers should teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but also "the scientific evidence against it." Approximately seven in ten (69%) sided with this view. In contrast, one in five (21%) chose the other option given, that biology teachers should teach only Darwin's theory of evolution and the scientific evidence that supports it. One in ten was not sure.