SEAs are responsible for determining the logistics of grant allocation and AMAO criterion. This creates a state-to-state inconsistency with fund distribution and program evaluation. For example, in California, funds are allocated to individual LEAs based on the number of LEP and immigrant students under their jurisdiction on a per-pupil basis. LEAs are responsible for submitting a budget as well as expenditure reports detailing the programming and resources that are purchased with the subgrant. In Texas, the formula is also based on a per-pupil formula; however, there is also a minimum amount that each LEA is allowed to receive. In addition, there are separate portions of the funds set aside for areas that experience the most significant increases in LEP.
Texas also recognizes several different language-acquisition programs as valid recipients of Title III funding, including: transitional bilingual, dual language immersion, content-based ESL instruction, and pull-out ESL instruction. These types of programming are more consistent with the regulations of the Bilingual Education Act (1968), the policy from which the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act (2001) was generated.
Part B--Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program
This program provides financial assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and HBGIs to establish or strengthen their physical plants, financial management, academic resources, and endowment-building capacity. Activities may include student services, educational equipment acquisition, facility construction, and faculty and staff development.
Funds may be used for the purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment. Also supported are the construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement of instruction facilities. Funds support faculty exchanges and the development of academic instruction in disciplines in which black Americans are underrepresented. Projects may support the purchase of library materials as well as tutoring, counseling, and student service programs. Also supported are: funds and administrative management; joint use of facilities; establishment or improvement of development offices; establishment or enhancement of programs of teacher education; and establishment of outreach programs.