Grade Distributions

The grade distributions for the 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 administrations were:

Year Score percentages 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Number of Students
2008 8.7% 18.2% 31.4% 30.5% 11.3% 2.82 306,479
2009 10.5% 19.0% 30.2% 28.4% 11.9% 2.88 337,441
2010 10.7% 20.8% 29.3% 27.6% 11.6% 2.91 374,620
2011 11.1% 20.0% 30.1% 27.5% 11.3% 2.92 412,466

Composite Score Range

The College Board has released information on the composite score range (out of 150) required to obtain each grade: This score table is not absolute, and the ranges vary with each administration of the test. With the addition of the synthesis essay in 2007, the scoring tables were revised to account for the new essay type in Section II of the test.

Final Score Range (2001) Range (2002)
5 108-150 113-150
4 93-107 96-112
3 72-92 76-95
2 43-71 48-75
1 0-42 0-47