Blended Learning Models

There is little consensus on the definition of blended learning. Some academic studies have suggested it is a redundant term. However, there are distinct blended learning models suggested by some researchers and educational think-tanks. These models include:

Face-to-face driver - where the teacher drives the instruction and augments with digital tools.
Rotation - students cycle through a schedule of independent online study and face-to-face classroom time.
Flex - Most of the curriculum is delivered via a digital platform and teachers are available for face-to-face consultation and support.
Labs - All of the curriculum is delivered via a digital platform but in a consistent physical location. Students usually take traditional classes in this model as well.
Self-blend - Students choose to augment their traditional learning with online course work.
Online driver - Students complete an entire course through an online platform with possible teacher check-ins. All curriculum and teaching is delivered via a digital platform and face-to-face meetings are scheduled or made available if necessary.

It is important to note that even blended learning models can be blended together and many implementations use some, many, or even all of these as dimensions of larger blended learning strategy. These models, for the most part, are not mutually exclusive.

There are many components that can comprise a blended learning model, including "instructor-delivered content, e-learning, webinars, conference calls, live or online sessions with instructors, and other media and events, for example, Facebook, e-mail, chat rooms, blogs, podcasting, Twitter, YouTube, Skype and web boards".