Governance of Higher Education in Alberta

Ministry Advanced Education
The public post-secondary system is overseen by the Ministry of Advanced Education. The ministry's role is to provide oversight and leadership, facilitate partnerships, and work with post-secondary stakeholders. Credit programs are approved and administered by Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education.

The Ministry of Advanced Education does not act in isolation but has a number of councils and boards to provide policies and guidelines. These include:
Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer
Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board
Alberta Post-Secondary Application System
Campus Alberta Quality Council
Students Finance Board

Public post-secondary institutions
Public post-secondary institutions in Alberta have a bicameral governance structure. According to the Post-secondary Learning Act, each institution is governed by an autonomous Board of Governors. This entity provides strategic direction, establishes program offerings, approves admissions requirements, and promotes the development of the communities served by the institution.

In addition to the Board of Governors, colleges and technical institutes have academic councils that make recommendations to and reports for the Board of Governors in academic policy matters, such as election and admission of students; review and provision of courses and programs of instruction; and academic awards.

Universities in Alberta each have a senate whose main duty is to inquire into any matters that might benefit the university and enhance its position in the community. The senate also deals with academic matters. Reports on various matters are provided to the senate by the academic councils defined by the current legislation: a) General Faculties Council; b) Deans' Council; and c) Faculty and School Councils. The senate also requires reports from entities representing the student body such as the Council of Students Association and the Council of Graduate Students Association.