Teachers: Must be at least 18 and have HS diploma, or equivalency certificate, or 540 hours documented experience with age group.
Provider/Child Ratio:
Age Range Ratio For Center-based Care in Connecticut State
Infants (1:4)
Toddlers (1:4)
Preschool (over age 3) (1:10)
Schoolage (1:10)
Mixed age group (1:4)
Age Range Ratio For Family Child Care in Connecticut State
All ages
(1:6) includes provider's children not in school full-time
maximum of 2 infants per provider
in addition to 6 full-time children, may have up to 3 school age children for up to 3 hours before and after school, during the school year only
Daycare Program Descriptions:
Family Day Care Homes
Family day care homes are private family homes caring for not more than six children, including the provider’s own children not in school full time, where the children are cared for not less than three nor more than twelve hours during a twenty-four hour period and where care is given on a regularly recurring basis, except that care may be provided in excess of twelve hours but not more than seventy-two consecutive hours to accommodate a need for extended care or intermittent short-term overnight care. During the regular school year, a maximum of three additional children who are in school full time, including the provider’s own children, are permitted, except that if the provider has more than three children who are in school full time, all of the provider’s children are permitted
Group Day Care Homes
Group day care homes offer or provide a program of supplementary care (A) to not less than seven or more than twelve related or unrelated children on a regular basis, or (B) that meets the definition of a family day care home except that it operates in a facility other than a private family home
Child Day Care Centers
Child day care centers offer or provide a program of supplementary care to more than twelve related or unrelated children outside their own home on a regular basis.
Some child day care programs are legally exempt from child day care licensing and, as such, are not required to meet licensing standards. A listing of what programs are exempt from licensing can be found in Connecticut General Statutes Section 19a-77(b). Note: Statutes are revised to January 1 of odd numbered years and therefore should be read in conjunction with Public Acts that have been enacted into law but not codified into existing statutes.
Important Contact Information:
Child Care Licensing Agency
CT Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue
Mail Station 12 DAC
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: (860) 509-8045
Toll Free: (800) 282-6063
Fax: (860) 509-7541
Fax: (860) 509-7540
Child Care Subsidy Agency
Connecticut Department of Social Services
Family Services Unit
25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5033
Phone: (860) 424-5006 or (860) 424-5598
Toll Free: (800) 811-6141 (within State)
Fax: (860) 424-5335
Head Start - State Collaboration Office
Department of Social Services
25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT, 06106
Phone: (860) 424-5066
Fax: (860) 424-4960
Child Care Food Program Agency
CT Department of Education
25 Industrial Park Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457-1543
Phone: (860) 807-2071
Fax: (860) 807-2127
State Child Care Resource & Referral Contact
211 Child Care
1344 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky Hill, CT 06067-1350
Phone: (860) 571-7500
Toll Free: 2-1-1 or 800) 505-1000
Fax: 860-571-7525
Office of Child Support Enforcement
Department of Social Services
Bureau of Child Support Enforcement
25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06105-5033
Phone: (860) 424-4989
Fax: (860) 951-2996