
Proponents of year-round school cite:

Multi-tracking allows more cost-effective use of school facilities (classroom space, computer labs, libraries, media resources) as well as staff resources (education specialists such as physical education, foreign languages, music, art, therapists and counselors).

Reduce class sizes and overcrowding in classrooms

Alleviate need for new school construction

Teachers may spend less classroom time reviewing material since less time elapses between school sessions

Inter sessions may be used for remediation courses and tutoring, or for enrichment activities

Prevention of student and teacher burnout

Decrease of teacher and student absences due to shorter instructional cycles

Increased opportunities for extra help and studying.

Increased opportunities for volunteering in the community

Shorter breaks from school encourage students to stay involved with athletics and provide less time to become couch potatoes

Flexible staffing patterns and alternative salary and benefit programs

Relevant surveys in year-round districts indicate that 64% of teachers prefer year-round education, while only 20% oppose it (remainder are neutral). A Utah State Board of Education survey indicated 84% of teachers preferred the year round calendar.

New York State Board of Regents study concluded that disadvantaged students lose 27% more learning over summer months than their peers.

For older students, employment may be easier to obtain as there is less competition.

More opportunities for family vacations. Vacations can be taken at off-peak times reducing overall costs are and producing a more rewarding experience. Increased vacation opportunities encourages parents to take more, smaller vacations closer to home rather than 1 long expensive one out of state.