Boy Scouts of America Troop 270

Basic Information

Address: 4845 Brockton Ave Riverside, Ca. 92506
Phone Number: 951-684-0136

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Focus: Scouting that includes socialization and leadership opportunity

Boy Scouts of America

Director: Doug Moore, Scoutmaster
County: Riverside
Schedule: Meetings: Mondays 7:00pm, One weekend camping trip per month
Ages: 11-18yrs
Membership/Pricing: $50.00 per year for membership. Additional cost for voluntary camping trips

Meeting room at church for meetings. Camping trips are local to southern california


Troop was established 20 years ago. We have over 20 eagle scouts and have great opportunities for your son to be led by respopnsible young who are great role models.

Program Highlights:

Good adult support, but led by the boys to teach leadersip and teamwork.

Support Services:

Boy scout council ensures proper training of leadership and safety of the boys.


Camping trips are "leave Friday eve...participate in main activity on Saturday....return home Sunday. Very involved in community service and giving back.