Moreland Arts and Health Sciences Magnet School

Basic Information

Address: 217 West Moreland Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118
County: Dakota
School District: ISD 197
Phone Number: 651.403.7806
Fax Number: 651.403.7810
Principal: Pete Otterson

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: Arts & Health Sciences Magnet
State District ID: 197
State School ID: 0815
Ages/Grades: PreK-4
School Setting:

Neighborhood School

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 7:45am-2:15pm
School Colors: Red, Gold

West St. Paul

School Size: 350
Classroom Size: 24

EveryDay Mathematics, Scott Foresman Reading Street, Zaner-Bloser Handwritting, FOSS science,

After School Programs: Yes
School Clubs:

Chess Club, Moreland Kid's Counsel, School Age Care, Summer Success, etc. Visit our website for more information!

Awards & Recognition: Pennies for Patients Award
Admissions Requirements:

 By Application. Admission is 'first come, first learn.'

Admissions Deadline: September 16, 2011
Mission Statement:

An arts-infused curriculum supported by effective practices in health and fitness.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Imagine a school where energy and creativity are combined to boost academic achievement for all students, and you'll imagine Moreland Academy. Art of all kinds - visual arts, music, theater, dance - and a focus on healthy living energize our students and give them tools for learning.

• Indoor running track and climbing wall to encourage healthy movement.

• Special family events at YMCA, thanks to community partnership.

• Arts extend into after-school program offerings, giving students additional opportunities to experience music, dance, theater and art.