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Bexley City School District

Basic Information
Address: 348 South Cassingham Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209
Phone Number: (614) 231-7611
Fax Number: (614) 231-8448
Superintendent: Dr. Mike Johnson
Additional Information
Member Schools: 5
Board of Directors: Bexley Board of Education
Mission Statement:
A community of learners becoming
productive global citizens and leaders
Accreditation and Recognition: Fully accredited by the internationally recognized AdvancED (formerly North Central Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, or NCA CASI), one of only five in Ohio to earn the distinction of full district accreditation.
District Characteristics: At the center of a stable, close knit community, Bexley’s neighborhood schools have earned the Ohio Department of Education “excellent with distinction” rating for eleven consecutive years.
U.S. News & World Report recognizes Bexley High School as one of the top public high schools in the country. The Bexley school system is among the two percent of Ohio school districts offering foreign language instruction in the elementary grades. Certified professionals teach visual and performing arts throughout Bexley’s entire K-12 curriculum, differentiating it from that of most public school districts. Bexley Middle School was authorized as Ohio’s first International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program in 2007, when Cassingham Elementary became Ohio’s first IB Primary Years Program.
Students benefit from class sizes that permit personal attention and foster academic excellence; they also enjoy a wide variety of courses – including 19 Advanced Placement (AP) classes at the high school level -- and extra-curricular options.
A high level of community involvement characterizes the Bexley school system, which receives considerable support from the Bexley Education Foundation, a nonprofit funding school programs for which tax dollars are not available. Financial ratings institutions praise Bexley’s sound financial operations, solid voter history and conservative fiscal management.
School Municipalities: Bexley, Ohio
Education was important to the Bexley community even before the city was incorporated in 1908. Rural residents of the area now known as Bexley had a school as early as 1864. Bexley’s Board of Education first convened in 1917, issuing bonds so that the school district could purchase property for future development.
Notable Alumni:
Acclaimed authors R. L. Stine and Daniel Pink; Presidential adviser Gayle Smith; television actor/writer/director Josh Radnor; the late cancer researcher Dr. Judah Folkman; photographer Baron Wollman; author/journalist Scott Helman
Other Facilities: The school district prides itself on preserving its historic buildings, while maintaining state-of-the-art facilities for 21st century learning. Each of the district's five school buildings has been recently renovated, featuring modernized classrooms, updated systems and closed-circuit television networks. All of the schools have gymnasia and facilities for physical education, as well as dedicated arts education spaces. Additional facilities that serve as gathering places for the entire community include two theaters; a track and field with synthetic turf playing surface; Community Room; black box theater; music rehearsal spaces; photo darkroom and more.
Athletics: Bexley City Schools strives to provide an athletic environment complementing the educational experience that promotes excellence through the virtues of commitment to team and community, a focus on the development of discipline to a cause, the benefits of wellness, and the importance of sportsmanship, ethical behavior, and growth in humility. The most recent figures show that more than 60 percent of Bexley Middle and High School students participate in at least one sport. There are 60 teams, including all levels and both genders -- high numbers considering the district’s small size.
Consolidation: N/A
All Bexley students participate in top-notch enriched and highly effective programming, with activities appropriate to students’ levels of reasoning development. Bexley's curriculum makes use of data that gives evidence of student learning. Thoughtful attention to practices keeps the district moving forward with greater student achievement and elimination of any achievement gaps.
Belief Statements:
In Bexley, we intentionally identify what we each do best and build around those assets. We look for best practices and replicate them because, as Daniel Pink, one of Bexley’s best-known graduates, tells us, building on assets stimulates team and individual growth. Recognizing achievement motivates, shores up morale and leads to improvements.
The school district's student population numbers 2,105; there are 159 teachers (full-time equivalent). Bexley's minority population is 10.6 percent. According to the census of 2000, there are 13,203 people, 4,705 households, and 3,387 families residing in the city of Bexley, with a median income, based on federal income tax returns, of $61,223 (as of 2007, according to the State Department of Taxation).
Organization Goals: Bexley follows research-based educational best practices to help students thrive in a changing world, with each best practice featuring: research base that has been shown to improve student achievement over time in schools with similar characteristics; broad-based consortium providing professional development support for teachers as they implement the practice;
external mechanisms to monitor program implementation in order to assure maintenance of program integrity. Bexley’s high rates of achievement are a direct result of students, teachers, parents and community members working together to ensure a strong educational system and quality programs.
Scholastic Perfomance: Bexley's graduation rate is at 99.5 percent, with a college matriculation rate (class of 2011) of 89 percent. College admissions test results show that 126 of Bexley's 2010 - 2011 seniors took the SAT, with the middle 50% of test takers scoring 510 - 670 in critical reading 510 - 670; 510 - 630 in math; and 510 - 640 in writing.
Future Development Plans: Bexley has committed to paying attention to details beyond the everyday so that we can influence the variables that contribute to learning and affect the school environment. To this end, the Board approved a carefully constructed set of “extraordinary learning” standards this past year.
In order to excel in our primary activity of teaching and learning, we must responsibly manage the resources of our school system. So far, we are faring better than most of our fellow school districts – monitoring our revenue and controlling our expenses. Bexley has been able to keep small class sizes and avoid cutting staff and programs as an enrollment dip has moved through the school system.
Assets and Achievements: Bexley stakeholders make sure that Bexley students are able to focus and build on their strengths and assets, providing high quality, extraordinary, broad based and well-rounded experiences for the community's children.
Bexley hosts an all-district Art Show every other year, featuring the best work from all schools.
Failing Schools: All Bexley Schools are rated Excellent.
Vision Statement: Vision Statement adopted by the Bexley Board of Education in February 2009:
Bexley City Schools values a warm, safe and nurturing learning environment for children and adults, characterized by an appreciation for the culture, achievements, accomplishments, challenges, and struggles of all people.
We have a deep and abiding respect for individuals and their learning. We will foster innovation, initiative, leadership, creativity and respect for diversity.
We expect the highest level of quality to exist throughout the school system and will involve students, staff and community in the implementation of continuous improvement processes and research-supported best practices. We will employ innovative and creative methods to maintain and acquire resources to support the District’s strategic direction.
Delay/Closing Information: Bexley's Superintendent makes every effort to determine by 6:30am whether the schools will be closed because of weather or other emergency conditions. The school district informs the public about closings and other emergencies through local news outlets, postings on the district web site and One Call Now messages to all school households.
A.P. Classes: Nineteen certified Advanced Placement courses are offered in Language and Composition, Literature and Composition, Calculus, Calculus BC, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, American History, European History, U.S. Government and Politics, Computer Science,
Spanish, French, Latin, Art History, Studio Art and Music Theory. Students enrolled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam, which is paid for by the school district; there is no limit on the number of AP courses a student may take. In 2011, 286 students took a total of 551 AP Exams with 74% earning a score of 3 or above.